G & N Spray Away

A new business based in Felixstowe, Suffolk that specialises in exterior pressure washer cleaning contacted us as they wanted a very simple one page information website.

They wanted to display a portfolio of their recent work along with some of their customer reviews, all their services information plus an online contact form.

G & N Spray Away

The Project

They already had a logo so we simply purchased a domain name on their behalf, set up a hosting package, with SSL certificate and added a business email address with a forwarder to their existing gmail business account. We continue to manage this annually for them.

A one page website is a very economical way to get your new small business online, and although it may not be quite as effective with SEO it gives you a great starting platform that can always be expanded in the future to grow alongside your business.

Check out the live website:

(this website is not currently live)

G & N Spray Away